Sunday, January 11, 2015

Drama in Sakura (Jan 11th 2015)

Events transpired today causing the Priest iHeal to be let go from the Guild Sakura.

Upon his release he announced his retirement from the land of Nacriema's guild system. This was truly a sad sight to behold. its never good to see a true contender in the guild system retire and say goodbye to their life. iHeal stated that he was feeling attacked while in Sakura. he accused Priest420 of making fun of him almost constantly. We here at RSNN got a chance to speak to Preist420 about these events and all he had to say was "I ignore children and that is what he is, a child." It is not on us to say for sure whether or not Preist420 was really doing anything offensive to iHeal without evidence on either side. The only information we have to go on is that iHeal has been known to lie about numerous things since he first made an appearance years ago. While on the other hand Priest420 has not been known to be the most kind person.

With all that said and done iHeal has still left Sakura and plans to retire from the guild system. However this is not iHeals first time retiring so it is very likely that he will return in the near future.

Update: Recently it has been brought to the attention of the Members here at RSNN that iHeal has been picked up by Vivid and has retracted his retirement from the Guild System. 

This leaves us to wonder just how long do we have till he truly retires.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned to Red Stone News Network for more News regarding our lovely world of Nacriema 


  1. iHeal kicked for bragging and overstating his capability in Red Stone Freedom group.

  2. i added him to Vivid ;D
    got no problms with him..
